6 Meditations with Swami Muktatmananda
6 Katha Upanishad 2.3.1 to 2.3.13 Classes with Swami Viditatmananda
4 Bhagavad Gita 10.8 to 10.21 Classes with Swami Viditatmananda
6 Aparokshanubhuti 8 to 24 with Swami Muktatmananda
3 Satsangs (Q&A) with Swami Viditatmananda
2 Satsangs (Q&A) with Swami Muktatmananda
The Katha Upanishad conveys its teaching of nonduality in a dialogue between Lord Yama and the young student Naciketas. The first adhyaya includes the story of how Naciketas came to be a student of Lord Yama. The second adhyaya goes deeper into the nondual vision that forms the core of the Upanishad.
Aparokshanubhuti is one of the most important works of Adi Sankaracharya on Advaita Vedanta. The central theme of the book is the identity of the individual self and Universal Self.
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